Design Excavations
Stadsbiblioteket, Göteborg
Curation, design and production of program, exhibition and publication for the HDK-Valand Design Master Degree Show 2019 by DOMA.
The 2019 degree exhibition is understood as an excavation where projects expand and take place based on specific contexts and situations. As a visitor, you can expect a room in constant change, shaped by a program that gives you the opportunity to, larger for layers and gain a deeper understanding of the various projects. The format works to gestalt the fact that design is more than the end product. By excavating the works, the exhibition intends to provide an insight into the complexity of each design work and issues. Every project has its own way of being excavated which also leaves traces both physically and mentally.
Stadsbiblioteket, Göteborg
Curation, design and production of program, exhibition and publication for the HDK-Valand Design Master Degree Show 2019 by DOMA.
The 2019 degree exhibition is understood as an excavation where projects expand and take place based on specific contexts and situations. As a visitor, you can expect a room in constant change, shaped by a program that gives you the opportunity to, larger for layers and gain a deeper understanding of the various projects. The format works to gestalt the fact that design is more than the end product. By excavating the works, the exhibition intends to provide an insight into the complexity of each design work and issues. Every project has its own way of being excavated which also leaves traces both physically and mentally.