A conversation about a tree
It is hard to act upon things that we cannot relate to – things that we cannot grasp. A conversation about a tree is an effort to build something that we can grasp, something that we can relate to, something that is tangible. It is an effort to build a tree.
But is it a tree? Or is it just an attempt to grasp the ungraspable? This thing that you can see is not a tree. It is an illusion of a tree. It is really several trees, it is ‘a tree’ made out of firewood and plywood. A conversation about a tree is a sign of powerlessness. It is not a tree. It is the cost of a tree: four bags of firewood bought at the local food and hardware store. The price that we, as humans, have put on a tree. A price that is silent about so many other trees.
So what are the intentions with this thing? By showing it, I aim to start a conversation about a tree so that we can talk about so many other atrocities. If we can gather and take a look at it, we can easily see that it is not a tree; in fact this thing is possibly 90 different trees, built up as it is of 90 different pieces of firewood of which each may have a different origin. But if A conversation about a tree can start a conversation about this one thing, then maybe we can start to break it apart, so that we can talk about all these other things within.
This is an attempt to grasp something ungraspable, to visualize that even simple things are complex. Trees can live without us, but we cannot live without them. This is a sign of powerlessness but also a sign of power. By creating a thing for us to gather around, a discussion about all the atrocities within can take place. Trees have the ability to be something we can grasp, but the same ability can swipe us off our feet. So why not start a conversation about a tree?
A conversation about a tree is a conversation piece inspired by Bertolt Brecht’s poem ‘Till kommande släkten’:
But is it a tree? Or is it just an attempt to grasp the ungraspable? This thing that you can see is not a tree. It is an illusion of a tree. It is really several trees, it is ‘a tree’ made out of firewood and plywood. A conversation about a tree is a sign of powerlessness. It is not a tree. It is the cost of a tree: four bags of firewood bought at the local food and hardware store. The price that we, as humans, have put on a tree. A price that is silent about so many other trees.
So what are the intentions with this thing? By showing it, I aim to start a conversation about a tree so that we can talk about so many other atrocities. If we can gather and take a look at it, we can easily see that it is not a tree; in fact this thing is possibly 90 different trees, built up as it is of 90 different pieces of firewood of which each may have a different origin. But if A conversation about a tree can start a conversation about this one thing, then maybe we can start to break it apart, so that we can talk about all these other things within.
This is an attempt to grasp something ungraspable, to visualize that even simple things are complex. Trees can live without us, but we cannot live without them. This is a sign of powerlessness but also a sign of power. By creating a thing for us to gather around, a discussion about all the atrocities within can take place. Trees have the ability to be something we can grasp, but the same ability can swipe us off our feet. So why not start a conversation about a tree?
A conversation about a tree is a conversation piece inspired by Bertolt Brecht’s poem ‘Till kommande släkten’:
In truth, I live in dark times!
The innocent word is foolish.
A smooth forehead Indicates insensitivity.
Those who laugh
Have not yet received
The terrible news.
What times are these, in which
A conversation about a tree is almost a crime
Since it implies silence about so many atrocities!
He who walks quietly across the street
May well no longer be reached by friends
who are in danger?